English version


Before I was a mom I loved taking a shower. Enjoying the warmth, staying in the shower just a little bit longer because it's too nice, using the most lovely shower gels...

And then..
Now I'm a mom, taking a shower has changed. Mostly I'm too tired to take a long nice shower. Taking a shower has become an activity with a goal: to get clean. Taking a shower because it's nice and warm is history.

Shower Schizophrenia
Do you know that feeling, when you're in the shower and you think you can hear a child crying, while he's fast asleep?
Yes, that's shower schizophrenia. As soon as the shower is on I think I can hear Noah crying. Even when I know that he's asleep, or I know that he's downstairs with his dad and I can take all the time I need.
I can't seem to convince myself that it's just in my head, until I turn off the shower and can hear that there's no baby crying.

Oh, and those lovely shower gels... Nowadays I get clean with baby shower gel. That's the easiest to find in this house:D

Baby sign language
Baby’s communicate through crying, crying and crying. But I think you already know this: D

On average, children learn to talk around 1.5 years old and the way of communicating to this age is not very varying. Crying, making funny sounds, pointing.. It often ends in a temper because they fail to make clear what they want or how they feel. Both the child and parents can sometimes get very frustrated.

There is a way to 'talk' to your child before he / she can pronounce a single word: Sign Language! Sign Language is not just for deaf people. It is for all people who can not express with words, but do have the sense to purposefully use their bodies.

Between 6 and 9 months a baby is ready to learn sign language. It is around this time that the baby can learn and remember things. This means that you can have up to a year benefit from the sign language you taught your child. Sign language can be a form of communication after this time. It's never a bad thing to understand other people (hearing or deaf) or to be able to say important things in situations your’re not allowed to speak.

Learn sign language
As mentioned, you can teach sign language when your child is 6 months old. It is important that you do not expect your child to sign back immediately . It will have to understand that the gestures associate with the words and can be used to make something clear before it starts using them.

Start with 1 or 2 gestures, until it goes well. Choose gestures that are important for both child and parent. For instance mommy, daddy, milk or sleep. Your child needs those words a lot and will therefore be able to learn it quicker.

Repeating is the best way of learning. Gesture the word throughout the day, when you pronounce the word. Repeat the word and gesture several times in a row if your child looks at you.
Use the hands of your baby to make the gesture. This teaches how to feel the gesture, making it easier to remember.

Make sure signing is fun. Reward your child when it’s trying to sign, even though it’s not perfect (yet). Try to understand your child so it learns that the gestures are seen and understood.
Good to know: you can not do anything wrong!

Some advantages:
American research has shown that baby sign language strengthens the bonds within the family. Children get creative by signing and learn to communicate more quickly. This will improve not only their vocabulary but also their self-confidence. The most asked question is whether a child wants to learn to talk when it always has communicated with gestures. According to researchers, children who have learned baby sign language can talk earlier and better than those who did not learn to speak baby sign language. Also the IQ seems to be higher by sign language.

Reasons enough to teach your child to sign;)

Mama's little boy
To be honest, I had to get used to the idea of having a baby boy. How do I do that? How do I take care of a boy? I know girls because I am one, but I don’t know any baby boy!

There goes the ‘just-for-girls-day’.. Byebye make-up and shopping..

But I was wrong! The panic lasted for just a moment. I found out soon that having a son is great. Climbing trees, playing soccer, no need for worries about future boyfriends and the best of all: often they are mama’s boys!

Once I had Noah in my arms 2 seconds after he was born, I was hopelessly in love. I seem to love him more every day. And if it’s even possible: the end of my growing love is still not in sight.

Do I really have a mama's boy?
At this time, Noah has what we call the "mommy-blues”. He prefers to be with me. Hold me, hug me, sleep with me. If he could, he would crawl into me. I think it's lovely, but sometimes not very handy though! He may suddenly start crying in bed. If I go up to him and put my hand on his cheek he sleeps immediately. As soon as I walk out of the room mister starts to cry again. O well, then come and sleep with mommy. I secretly enjoy having my little man with me during the night. Sleep well.


Here I am, sitting at my 6-8 persons table, in our new bought home; a view over the garden, Classic FM on the radio and a baby monitor that sings ‘twinkle twinkle little star’.

My four moth old son is sleeping after a cuddle and a kiss. I have  a day off and my husband is at work.

For just a moment I confused myself with the perfect fulltime mom, loving wife and part-time employee that every newly mom is jealous of..

Well, I know better!

Our beautiful house is far from done, because our son was born just one month after we moved in. It won’t be done until we have found the time, finances and energy.

The nice view over the garden would be wonderful, if the previous owners didn’t make such a mess of it. And well, that’s also something on our to-do-list. So I’m looking at a garden where a few winter violets, which we’ve planted shortly after moving in, are the only nice things to look at.

Yes, my four month old is sleeping like a baby (uhhhh:p) after a cuddle and a kiss.

The question is whether this is due to my great educational skills, or to the vaccinations he got this morning..

And well, my work is pretty fun to do, but this mom wants nothing more than staying with her son every day. Unfortunately, in this town the houses are a bit more expensive than we can pay on one salary. So this mama will remain a working mom.

I still consider myself quite lucky. I only have to work 19 out of the 168 hours a week!

No.. Perfect is not the word that comes to mind, but I love it!

The “Mummy, will you stay awake with me, because I would like to tell you what a great day we’ve had”-nights..

The “Will you hold me all day long, because I don’t feel well”-days..

The “I know you have to work in about four hours mama, so we will have our quality time at 3 a.m.”-hours..

The “We need to leave in 5 minutes, so do you think this is a good time for a diaper change?”-moments..

I enjoy it all... Most of the time :D

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